15 Jan

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01 01 2024

Myanmar Christian (Kachin Race) Wedding.Myanmar Christians Baptist Church Wedding in Kyaukkone, Yankin Township, Yangon Myanmar. This Kachin couple [Myanmar Celebrity] took Wedding vow at My Mother's [founder] Kanbe Baptist Church. This is the same Church where I was BAPTIZED (12 yrs old) too. Not only my mother is one of the founders but also leads the Church Choir and plays Piano very well. My talented mother has a beautiful voice and did produce records during her young Singer days in Myanmar then known as Burma. Her most popular song is call "Myare Nat Maung" meaning "Cupid" in English. Reception the wedding party give is Hotel near well known place called INYA Lake close to Yankin Township, Yangon City. My mother brought up 4 siblings single handedly when my dad passed away when I was just 9 yrs old. As a single mother without remarrying (she still young) she works both morning & afternoon shifts at Methodist English High School, Rangoon now Yangon. Weekend Saturdays she teaches piano tuition to Tiger Balm Owner kids.Truth is Eternal.....   Terencelyn.  12 31 2023God Bless the Wedding Couple for they have TWINS baby girls later. 




Heaven & Hell


Seventh Storm


I.  Me.  0.001%   The Rarest of Rares.Satan & Devil TRIED to put a final nail in the Coffin but the nail BOUNCE off and disappeared. Yeshua Yes <+>L L O L   12 31 2023   Bye 2023 Hi 2024 !!! 


Beat it! ...      fOckCo.     12 31 2023Legend Lives On! ...    Lyn.  [ LLOL ]LLOL stands for *LynLiveOutsmartLife*.Happy & Prosperous New Year to ALL around the Earth, especially poor and hardship PEOPLE in despair.... My genuine & sincere wish from my heart...WrittenNote... <+> 


Rarest of rare humans did contact with Supernaturals (0.001%). Man with 9 lives.9 storms one after another continuously in 61 (2 continuous months) days is no joke nor minor or coincidence. Evil Maniacs r doing intentionally. Take refuge under Yeshua protection did overcome these obstacles. The last one is deadly combination of Satan & Devil "tried to put final nail in the coffin but the nail bounce off" if you can understand or unlock this coded phrase. Thank you Jesus. Amen.My goal is NOT in this cruel & wicked world.WrittenNote.....12 31 2023 



Let's start first minutes of 2024 with "Pure Heart":Greetings from *WrittenNote*. Shot After my Prayer to God [1st 3 mins as yearly traditional] "remotely" (LLOL) around 12:30am 01 01 2024 at Las Vegas night sky. Enjoy !!!. Take Care & True God Bless. My pictures are FREE to all. No restrictions. None.Can you spot SPHERE?. Includes in some pictures. Also Glacier color (my fav) Owl mini toy?. I love miniature toys. Childish too.......Pure Heart. 01 01 2024. 


Burmese Assessment year end World Analysis. Up coming many elections of many countries including US, Russia & India.Unipolar (US led), Bipolar (US / Russia led) & Multipolar (US, EU / Brics led) Topic. Be prepare for 2024 & Beyond.WrittenNote. <+>. 12 30 2023 






Myanmar Strife












02 02 2024




Flag Girl [ Monument Park ]

Rhino Rock  [ Gold Butt Park ].

04 17 2024

Private Perception Processor



By The Grace of God:-:Through Holy Spirit I interpret. Y.      Chromosome Y.Y.Y.       04 14 2024.1st Y stands for YAHWEH 2nd Y stands for Yeshua3rd Y stands for Male identity making ChromosomeBiological Humans/Earthlings have X/Mother & Y/Father [ XY ] Chromosomes.It is said and written Jesus Christ Blood had ONLY " Y " Chromosome ( X is missing) meaning HE is NOT a Human but in human form "Being" implanted by God to become Male human "Being" as Mary, his Earthling mother was a VIRGIN female that's why no X Chromosome in Jesus Blood. That means Y Chromosome was "implanted" into Mary's Virgin Womb while she was in Deep Sleep. No wonder Jesus CAN go through excruciating pain & suffering on the Cross during the Cruel Crucifixion AND Can be RISEN from death on the 3rd day like The "Spiritual Being" Can. Amen.Nexus Note. These thoughts n visions was given by "Spiritual Means" through Jesus of Nazareth (where Jesus grew up) OR Jesus Christ of Jerusalem [ where Jesus was crucified, death & Risen ]. Amen After Amen. Today is my mother's passed away date ...( on 04 14 1994 )Quiet Quark Qubit Quintessential Quest. 



Dangerous Democrat Dementia Dilemma. DEMENTIA is Crucial Criteria in taking the most powerful office in the world and MUST be able to discharge duties Decisively. No exceptions. Cased Closed. In this video fast forward to 10:20. It's really dangerous for Nuclear button pusher.

Spectrum Singularity. 




St. George Utah. One of my fav CHRISTIAN town (medium size) to visit. I LOVE medium size Town/City. Not Over crowded infested with crimes/criminals AND lack of safeness and security. Nice Clean Quiet Secluded with Gorgeous strategically located near world famous natural parks (Bryce Canyon, Zion National Park and some more). Only under 2 hrs drive from Las Vegas City also known as Sin City. The Plateau or Table [ in the picture ] as I call it, is the Hallmark of St. George City, UTAH State. 04 13 2024.   Faith Junkie [ FJ ]. 



Expiration Website

04 22 2024

My Fav Foods My top 6 pure & genuine Burmese Food. 1) Nga Boat Chauk 2) Sate Gway Si Kin 3) Noit Oang Thar Kin 4) Nga Yant Oo Hin 5) Sar Kalay Kyaw 6) Deep fried soft shell crab These are some of the pure "Authentic Burmese Foods" not available in any Asia or entire world. They are unique delicious & rare foods. Only in Myanmar. Now many Asian foods infiltrates into Myanmar desecrating genuine Burmese foods. 

Walking is Good


The MAZE. Canyonlands, UtahGrandeur Created by Invisible Hand of God.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhNuzZkhQBYhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKNM7y3w_6oHouse prices down in Yangon Myanmarhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pcw3iUMcfEAPot stick food. My fav. Only in Myanmar,  Yangon City is KING of delicious AND cheap street food in the entire planet. Can get only in Yangon. I'm willing to travel half the globe just to eat those IF, a big IF Myanmar is SAFE from SNIPERS blowing up heads AND China Virus including variants. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDz-S9Chb2g 

Pahrump, Nevadahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvTs-FcUcyMhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6n4EEJHJFOkhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NXNXuqHV8Ok 

Crossviewhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0Rhh4eZy_EJesus real BirthdateGreek Orthodoxyhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ah4ju-pjns4PAULhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LTBS0NMWSPY08252022https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=1708298486216698&set=a.163967503983145 

08302022Myeik Archipelago / Kawthaung Environs Excursionhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyY2skfyK_0https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uT0httAK11khttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rm5HDKXa1m0HiPar Water falls.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rm5HDKXa1m0Joe Bu Reservoir for Yangon Cityhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3tY-1JuX9AKachin Statehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNLZfv9IUcY 

My favorite delicacy. Available only 50 days per year at Ayeyarwaddy Delta Region. Protein equivalent to one cup of Ovaltine. The cream comes out from the fruit root called KINE Oo. barbecue Kine Oo taste best. The taste of the cream is very delicious. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B6VRIN1Y4HQhttps://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=449337910566347&set=a.429680955865376https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIAlR3qJ1xYHoly Land Crosshttps://www.facebook.com/bethlehembox/videos/1084987265433738 

Yangon Street Foodhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gi_0aoql-f0https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xazaT-qGHI4https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A8b4rceAYzghttps://www.facebook.com/terencelyn/videos/427080005963109https://www.facebook.com/terencelyn/videos/1791630844518019 

Unlimited States annexing Russian Federation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkKIoXMmuMAhttps://www.facebook.com/reel/243869974719696?s=single_unit 

My Black Cadillac and the Pillar.https://www.facebook.com/terencelyn/posts/pfbid02Rbs5Exku6PZBwWMtBL2QTgx46oLkWDtL6FhtKkUd4xE3j3momCYCsmPUFsJT38Enl 

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