Psalm 1
1 Blessed is the one
who does not walk in step with the wicked
or stand in the way that sinners take
or sit in the company of mockers,
2 but whose delight is in the law of the Lord,
and who meditates on his law day and night.
3 That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,
which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither—
whatever they do prospers.
4 Not so the wicked!
They are like chaff
that the wind blows away.
5 Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment,
nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous.
6 For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous,
but the way of the wicked leads to destruction.
06 19 2024
Tri Flags
The world is in STRUGGLE between Good & Evil, Truth & Deception, Commonsense & Nonsense, Matter & Anti Matter, Christ & Anti Christ. Amenn. 6 19 2024.
T S L [ Truth Spirit Life ]
I've been to this Burmese Restaurant in L.A. Calif but back then 2 - 3 years ago different name [ Say Ta Nar Mon / Cetana mon ] Burmese name. But now name change to "Rangoon California" Burmese Cuisine. Don't know same owner or new ?. I think New Owner.
They open in March 2024. Need to Checkout.
In MYANMAR the Food Paradise where abundance variety of Fresh Foods met Expert Innovative Cooks both Male & Female "Food Paradise" with lowest price (Big Bang for the Buck) was created on Earth. Tuck between 2 Asian Giants, Spice rich India & China in conjunction with freely open policy Kingdom of Thailand in her East, Myanmar is unlike any place in the world. Geographically, Strategically AND Economically precious land one could ever encounter that was SHUNNED off by Brutal
Dictatorship for almost a Century.
Very complicated cleaning done with both Ingredients & methods to intestine. Intestines are very delicate difficult and needs multiple cleaning with both effective methods in conjunction with herbs spices etc. Especially inside out cleaning thoroughly. Both men and women Burmese are experts in innovative cooking after all THIS is their hobby, lifestyle AND complete FREEDOM to enjoy life in the most stringent governance environment EVER on Earth. There is ONLY one defect in Myanmar. BAD & BRUTAL leadership.The people are sweet the country is naturally gorgeous and the variety of food? MAN it is ABUNDANCE with natural rain for 4 months every year makes the soils so fertile, rivers n lakes everywhere creating a huge DELTA that can be seen from SPACE not to mention hills forests & mountains contribute precious Gems like world famous RUBIES and JADES second to none. Why well Blessed Nation gone wrong?. The leadership my man, the leadership FAILED as you all know now. In every country including USA, when LEADERSHIP failed the country goes down/decline. That's the Naked Truth.
06 18 2024
Members: Hitler ISIS Brutal Dictators Kampuchea to name a few. There are many.
The HISTORY of Sole Superpower Nation U.S. of A. Well, in my perspective a New Flag New Nation was REBORN. 2024 is the Crucial Changing of the Guard. New Flag is called "Constitutional Republic Revival" Flag with 13 Stars representing 13 Alpha States, 13 Stripes representing 13 Synchronicity. The Criss Crossing of these 2 means it is founded upon Creator's Creation Concept and NOT on Earthlings Concept. In other words no need adding subtracting number of stars or stripes as
the Superior Nation EXPANDS Unlimited.
Picture depicting 5 flags of different ERA.
Accordingly starts with from left to right is ... ...
SPAIN FRANCE BRITISH CONFEDERATE [ South ] UNIONIST [ North ]. 2024 CRR Flag is [ North South East West ] 4 Ways Wide.
4:44am 06 18 2024
FMOC Forever Massacre Owner Club. Example: Communist China Member.

CONFEDERATE flag. I LOVE American Flags. North South East West doesn't matter. I'm for United States of America. NOT Union States of America.

Is it Coincidence? OR Destiny? CONFEDERATE flag has 4 Way Street, Cross & 13 Stars. Amazing American Authenticity. Took PRIDE in both Confederate AND Union Flags. This is UNITED States of America. Not Union States of America. God Bless. Amen.
Although I came from Myanmar, God chose me to be in America for reasons and purposes. Be WISE. NOT WICKED.
06 17 2024
Dated 3:33am 06 17 2024 [ Monday ].
Creation of NEW "Constitutional Republic" Flag [ 2024 version ]
Ever Changing Superior Young Nation of Planet Earth. 13 Stars 13 Stripes 13 Synchronicity.
In retrospect of 1777 version.

13 Stars 13 Stripes 13 States:
THE OAGA Flag. 1777.
OAGA stands for Original Authentic Genuine American. AlphA with 13 Stars 13 Stripes 13 States representing the Origin Beginning of the Birth of New Young REPUBLIC, Striving to become *Modern Superior Power* Over ALL Nations of the World founded by Christian Base Conspicuous Creators Concept Founding Fantastic Fathers second to NONE. No sweat !.
06 17 2024
Love it. Mercedes S Series AMG Model. My Style. Would like to "trade-in" my Mercedes 2005 S 55 series AMG model [ white ]. Runs Good, Low mileage.
P.S. When I had the money.
06 16 2024
Maturity Tested:
THEY are my brothers. NOT enemies. History ALWAYS has good & bad different sides of a COIN. It is what it is. LIFE never was perfect. Never intended. TOGETHER we learned, we move forward with strength, solidarity, morality, wisdom & faith. Amen. New Morning Every Day SIR.
United States 45th President Trump Created this NEW 6th Military Branch. Brilliant Move.
WE are neither Confederate nor Union now. WE are AMERICANS. Young or Old, Every Nation, Every Country on Earth has a History Good or Bad. Reality to learn and move on. "Carry On". 4 way street [ North South East & West]
I LOVE Gorgeous DIXIE Land (UTAH). Dixie Land is United with USA. WE are all Americans. Equal Footing. Zero Tolerance on Discrimination AND Corruption in any shape or form. Mistakes are made for a purpose. Together WE as
Americans will prevail. No doubt about it. With Respect to Dixie Chief.

I'm one of the 144,000 earthlings. Also known as God's people.
06 10 2024
SEEING is BELIEVING. All I can do is PRAY to Jesus Christ. That's all I can do. An ordinary next door guy like me. But the "promising thing" is, JESUS CHRIST "response" to my personal private prayers. It may take TIME (short, medium, long depends on HIS discretion) but HE response and never let me down. Not once, for I know Yeshua use precise TIMING.
So sad to see a middle age lady with Artificial leg hold Trump 24 flag walking on pavement of busy traffic (Sunset Blvd)
towards the crossing zebra. From that point on she had to walk at least a mile into the big wide Sunset Park, the largest park in Las Vegas. This was around noon when the notorious desert HEAT is unforgiving BUT Divine Intervention give "cool breeze" to take away the heat. Where did this COOL breeze come from I don't know?. Another old age lady appears and ask where stage is and she follows the disable woman holding the Trump Flag. THIS is NOT the America I use to live. ABSOLUTELY not. It is like day & night contrast. There's only "one way" to change this situation. Divine Intervention. Satan had hold a FIRM grip on Jesus Christ Country. No doubt about it. It's up to CHRIST to do something this HELL on Earth. Amen. ..... Truther USA

02 09 2024
Majestic Magnificent Mammal
02 09 2024
Some Scenarios to think about. When Eagle Rides high up on the Back of an Elephant, the Donkey will have no chance. In other words Eagle Elephant Entity OVER RULE Donkey into Deep Ditches!..... Commonsense!.
One Nation One People One Rule.....
Quiet Riot. 02 09 2024
YOU got the Money, WE got the Hearts/Votes:
MAGA - Make America Great Again (Elephant).
MMM - Majestic Model Movement (Eagle)
BBB - Build Back Better (Donkey)
MazeBrain @ QuietQuantum
02 08 2024. H i s t o r i c 3 Way Race Starts!!!.
My Favorite Jacket I wear to MMM Rally. It's water proof too. It was raining on that day [02 04 2024]. Perfect.
Majestic Model Movement
[ MMM ]
QuietQuantum 02 08 2024
MEE. 2 Thumbs Up. I'm a "Nature Lover" too. Will pray for 47th President "Historic" 2nd Independent President after 1st Independent President George Washington. Amen.
Creativity & Creation BELONGS to the Creator while Discovery & Recovery belongs to Discoverer.......
CocoonCosmos. 02 09 2024
Red White & Blue. The CRUX of Nevada, home of Gold Reserves/Deposits of the World. Our "Battle Born" State accepts 3 - Way Presidential Race making United States more Wise, Healthy & Wealthy.
It is like putting Jim's shoes on to John's feet. Sometimes when you use "beautiful words" it can alter your goal for words have meaning and some can be differentiated according to an individual Interpretation let alone high court justices.......
Transformation of Insurrection into Riot.
My thoughts on SCOTUS Oral Argument: Main subject is insurrection. How do you define INSURRECTION?..This word has BROAD terms.
Lynlight. 02 08 2024
SCOTUS Oral Argument: February 8th, 2024.
On Former President Donald J. Trump cases.
I love SCOTUS Justices Oral Arguments because it's highly Intelligent level of perceptional angle in interpretation of law point views/thought and very Interesting. Getting the whole point/picture as much as possible is important in deciding correct decisions. Especially "unknown territories" that was never encounter in the past.
01 30 2024
MEE/Terence Lyn Representing SERVERS / Employees Rally @ Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino Opening in 1999.
Historiclyn. 01 30 2024. On The Record.
Truth is Timeless.
T r a n s f e r e e 01 28 2024 [ Sunday ]. In Las Vegas History Terence Lyn [ Transferee from Circus Circus Enterprise ] OPENS New LUXOR & MANDALAY BAY Resorts in 1993 & 1999 respectively. Amen to Yeshua.
Add Note: At Mandalay Bay I represent the SERVERS @ Employees RALLY @ Concert Hall (now Michael Jackson One concert) before the Opening. Amen After Amen.
Quiet Quantum >!<
01 30 2024
R ising F reedom. K night Jr.
Consolidated Checkmate. Righteous Rally.
Quiet Quantum >!<
R ising F reedom K night. Jr.
01 30 2024. UPDATED

@ Quiet Quantum >!<
Wildlife Kingdom: 1 On 1 Challenge.
6 Wild Powerful LAND Animals that can DEFEAT Lion. Top Three [ HighEnd ] : #1 Elephant, #2 Rhino #3 Hippo. LOW end #6 Gorilla #5 Crocodile # 4 Cape Buffalo.

01 30 2024
Winning Wings & Free Fresh Food :

01 29 2024. Fly ALONE Always with High End Eyesight not to mention Pinpoint Precision Grab / Clinch by Strong Sharp Claws. Balance Timing Precision are all there performed by Eagle. On the Record.
01 24 2024
Major Political Parties of USA.
We have the 1st Republican [ Elephant/3 stars/Red ], 2nd Democratic [ Donkey/4 stars/Blue ] & 3rd Independent [ Eagle/6 stars/Red White & Blue ].
Enter The Eagle. United States is Entering New Era. Unknowingly Ultra Unique. The Eccentric Eagle.
RFK Jr. *Rising Alternate* in U.S. Presidential Potential 2024. 01 24 2024. Independent Chief or Third Force. [ My Assessment ].
One of my Top Favorite late U.S. President Ronald Reagan said. The ONLY President that dissolve USSR Super Power Rival Nation WITHOUT a single Bullet fired nor one American soldier life lost.
01 24 2024
L y n y o n
The Couple / Pair of Bald Eagles [ Lynyon ]. One male One female policy. Fly High Alone.
Secluded Silently Stealthily Sharp Strong Swift Selective Significant Splendid Super Splendor. 01 24 2024. HighEnd Creature. Their Eyesight is so sharp they can see fishes underwater from high up in the sky with pinpoint precise accuracy. Amazingly Awesome !!!. Symbol of America. Never Ever Underestimate the Resolute & Resilient Strength of America.
Add Note:
In Myanmar we Burmese have a little toy named... "Pyit Taing Dong" (one word). A little toy for kids that always stand up upright no matter how you throw it. Always upright. So is America. Maybe decline but back up straight up which ever way you throw it, doesn't matter. Research Resolution & Resilience is the KEY not to mention Redemption by True God. Amen. One example. America LEADS the world. America move her then, Capital City New York to Now Washington D.C. a New Well Planned Extraordinary Capital of United States. Now one can see many countries moving their Capital Cities including Myanmar, Egypt, Indonesia to name a few.
12 31 2023

WrittenNote Logo
12 31 2023
Myanmar Christian (Kachin Race) Wedding.
Myanmar Christians Baptist Church Wedding in Kyaukkone, Yankin Township, Yangon Myanmar. This Kachin couple [Myanmar Celebrity] took Wedding vow at My Mother's [founder] Kanbe Baptist Church. This is the same Church where I was BAPTIZED (12 yrs old) too. Not only my mother is one of the founders but also leads the Church Choir and plays Piano very well. My talented mother has a beautiful voice and did produce records during her young
Singer days in Myanmar then known as Burma. Her most popular song is call "Myare Nat Maung" meaning "Cupid" in English. Reception the wedding party give is Hotel near well known place called INYA Lake close to Yankin Township, Yangon City. My mother brought up 4 siblings single handedly when my dad passed away when I was just 9 yrs old. As a single mother without remarrying (she still young) she works as Teacher both morning & afternoon shifts at Methodist English High School, Rangoon now Yangon. Weekend Saturdays she teaches piano tuition to Tiger Balm Owner kids.
Truth is Eternal..... Terencelyn. 12 31 2023
Burmese Assessment year end Analysis
Unipolar, Bipolar & Multipolar topic.
WrittenNote. <+>. 12 30 2023
They call it "Blue Planet". I call it "Lonely Planet". We have different perspectives. It's OK. Just don't make Truth as False. Amen....
TriAngle. /_\ 12 30 2023.
01 18 2024
Can you handle "The Truth" ?. IF you CAN, you are truly Significantly Solidified Strong. IF not, you are truly weak & feeble no matter what status you are in... Truther 
Out of 7 Billion people, I need only 1 honest, truthful & faithful person. Just one !.
Lynyon/BaldEagle never fly in flock. Fly alone with sharp eye sight. 

01 18 2024
Lyn Law:
God always Righteous.
New Year Resolution?.
Whatever will be, will be.... 12 30 2023.
New Year Resolution
"Just Another Year"

12 31 2023
Even Adam had MORE than 2 women as a start or beginning.
Seventh Sense
01 18 2024
Mars Landing. 01 17 2024. I prefer *Telescopic Trends* rather than Human "Traveling" through VAST space to cut cost, safety & effectiveness. In my perspective, I rather send Robotic Artificial Intelligence (RAI) for Information & research for safety cost & effectiveness.
Seventh Sense

R H I N O 01 17 2024 Silent but Deadly.
The Lions know their "soft stomach/belly" can be ripped off by FIXED "lone horn" with one powerful toss......... Animal Instinct.
My goal is not in this world.
WrittenNote <+>
Nothing is permanent, Everything must pass
Defending Christianity Sloth System Way [SSW]
Here IS my explanation concerning the CRUX of Christianity.....Jesus Resurrection. Let's assume Jesus dead body was stolen by women or man. The 'Ugly Truth' is dead bodies decomposed after death occurs 3 days ago. No human can deny nor dispute my reasoning. Where can they hide the decomposed body?. Buried again?. Carry the dead body among Roman Soldiers Guards. Think intelligently. Don't throw rubbish nonsense insinuations just to trash the 'Naked Truth'. Naked Truth accused Jesus is 'King of Jews' rivaling Roman King in creating Revolution against Roman Empire. 1] Roman Empire Exist. 2] Crucifixion is the common & cruel death sentence. 3] Crosses are the tools it was used 4] Nails are used as tools. 5] There is a trial conducted by Roman authority rules & laws which claim JESUS was FOUND innocent by Roman High Authority [Who presided as Judge]. 6] Imprisoned Criminal Barabbas was offered to be executed in place of innocent JESUS. 7] The JEWISH high Priests rejected the Roman Judge offer. 8] JESUS has many followers (witnesses). 9] JESUS was seen followed & inspire by his simple but significant teachings of TRUTH. ..........HighEnder Terencelyn. Amen.
Goodwill Godliness for Good. Amen.
Counts. No other religion big or small rich or not can not will not take Christianity place & dignity EVER. Christianity IS the Heart of Humanity & Center of Civilization. Amen After Amen. Example ....
Buddhists they take care of Buddhists Monks Pagodas, Temples & Buddhist institutions people only. Same with Muslims. But Christians they take care the entire world regardless of different religion. This is the solid Naked Truth. Never seen Buddhists donating to Christians Churches & Institutions nor Muslims donating to Christians Churches & Institutions. Never. None. These other religions donate to their own kind. NOT like Christians.
STILL Reaching Running & Rolling STRONG.
Whenever Whatever Wherever I face Obstacles I make it BETTER out of it.....Sloth Solutionist!!!
Renamed My AMG Car "SAMSON" to "RARRESS". Simplify Modify into Rarest of Rare on Planet Earth [Only One]. This is how I (sloth solutionist) ROLL. Slowest BUT Rarest.
Dated December 6th, 2022.
Extending the LIFE of 2005 AMG S55 to My Simplify Style [ MSS ]. Now MSS is 17, will be 18 yrs next month 2023.
Sloth Solutionist Terencelyn's 1 of a kind car on Earth. There IS no other car quite like THIS one. None on this Planet. This IS how I roll. 12062022. LYN Lesson to Learn. Obstacles are Opportunities to make it perfect. Opportunity doesn't come often. Remember that. Sloth Solutionist. Amen.
Renamed my car AMG "Samson" to "Rarress".
Sloth 12062022
Renewing Righteousness. Demolish Hate with LOVE. Replacing Animosity with Forgiveness.
Killing Corruption. Cannot be Bought or Bribe. Zero Zip Zara Corrupt !!!. It IS rare these days where Truthfulness Honesty Sincerity Faithfulness Forgiveness Transparency can be found not to mention Morality is super low. Amen.
Let us build OUR nation the BEST of all Bests the Ruler of Righteousness on this Perfected Planet called Earth created for Earthlings by God. Doesn't matter Republican or Democrat or Independent. Black Yellow Brown or White, Rich or poor, smart or Dumb etc. ONE NATION UNITED UNDER GOD [ Eternal Exclusive ]. Amen After Amen.
Simplify Samson
*Rarest* of Rare one of a kind AMG. Only One On Planet Earth.......*Rarress*
December 5th, 2022
World UNDER Righteousness
Sloth Solutionist {o}
December 6th, 2022
I know who holds my future... Jesus Christ. Amen
Terencelyn 12112022
Crime Scene Company
CR7 can RETIRE *Conscious Clear*. It is NOT his fault Portugal miss the Opportunity to win FIFA World Cup 2022. He was allowed to play 2nd half only & few pass.
True, Authentic, Genuine & Sincere Christmas Spirit.
Christmas Spirit IS not spending or donation. It's about the arrival of savior (Jesus) to save us from hell. Rejoice by praying. It cost nothing. Not 1 cent let alone 1 dollar. No lights no gifts no money needed. Just your heart felt Prayer & Rejoice the arrival of Savior Jesus. That's all. Furthermore if you look at Jesus birth it is so humble his cradle is where food for animals is put. Think about that. I want you to really THINK about that and YET 3 wisemen from the East came to worship Jesus with 3 precious gifts not to mention the bright astronomical event that happened up in the night sky during Jesus Birth. That's where the IDEA of gifts started. IS the gifts important OR the "worship" important?. THINK. I celebrate & acknowledge December is Jesus Birth month not that it's accurate but to 'respect' the majority wishes culture traditions & belief. Anyway December is beautiful snowy month nice for cozy fireplace & blanket sleep not to mention all the lights gifts shopping n eating. So why not? After all it IS the trademark of SAVIOR is born for Peace Joy & Happiness. Hallelujah!.
By the way, astrology, ASTRONOMY or astrological event never lie nor fake or falsify. Mostly scientists (NOT politicians) study them. Today we have many telescopes both on Earth and in Space. These are compelling proofs taking visual STUNNING pictures of our Universe. Secrets are hidden. It is our Earthlings duty to research & reveal the truth of the matter so help us GOD.
Expression Enable
I don't like RED nor the BLUE. I like GOLDEN YELLOW (Independent) FREE from Capitalism and Wokeism. Want to retire in WOKE free country like MyanMar.
Did you know there IS hell on Earth?. Many are suffering and they don't even know it. Rich people get richer & poor people get poorer. At least you know this. Right?
VIM - Whatever
Evil Endorse Evil
Nothing New
It is what it is
There IS no guarantee in life except .......
Jesus Christ
Slow Truth [Terencelyn]
Expression Enable

TIME, 1 of the initial elements in Creation of our Universe IS like a Super Black Hole. IT gobbles up everything in it's path and nothing can escape from it .... TOE Missile / Sloth
Earthlings Eternal Exclusive Elusive Entity.
Thank You Jesus Christ for the 'Good Memories' THOU had created EXCLUSIVELY for ME for I'm STILL living ENJOYING life ( now My Lord's Birth Month ) the life that THOU created despite surrounded by EVILNESS. Without Jesus help, this will not be possible. Life is cruel on Earth in these turbulent days. No wonder Earthlings are looking for new real estate like Moon or Mars for example for gone IS those innocent ERA of Garden of Eden (Adam & Eve). Thou 'initial creation' for Earthlings.
I was once a Millionaire but America takes me down TWICE, once in 2008 (recession) & another in 2020 (pandemic/I call it Wuhan Virus Initial). NOT my fault or doing. Anyway I thank Jesus Christ for giving me the opportunity/experience (where $2,000 is like $2 for me) to live like a Millionaire at least 'once' in my lifetime for My Capital is only $10 ( Tacoma International Airport, Washington State ) when I started new life in America coming from Buddhism ( majority ) Burma .......
$low Truth [ $loth ] also known as TOE Missile [ shoot down & eliminate evil doers with the help from God/Eternal Exclusive ]. Dated December 15th, 2022. Amen. Hallelujah!.
THEY make laws to THEIR liking/benefit and IMPOSE on others.
$lowTruth... 12152022
Don't tell me God doesn't EXIST because you didn't see, feel or touch. There are TRILLIONS of things matter & mass you didn't see but EXIST for a start.
10,000 Reasons.
Celine Dion
3 days & 3 nights
Jesus was "Born in September" according to the Bible.
Lightening Visit.
Did you know I drive to Los Angeles City, 2nd Biggest City (after New York) in USA, California State yesterday and come back the same day with my powerful, reliable relax luxury car Cadillac?. I drive there 'just to buy Burmese Foods' that is not available in entire Las Vegas City. When I buy I buy NONE perishable items ( my favorite ones ) for at least 6 months supply. Smoothly & Safely did I came back home with Myanmar non perishable foods. Maybe my Burmese Diet together with anti virus shots defend Wuhan Virus for I pray to Jesus Christ BEFORE & AFTER the journey [12/15/2022] for he IS my boss protecting me 24/7 year round AND let me live to this day. Amen.
By the way I bought a car back view mirror hangar "Golden Hummingbird" at Baker Town, California on the way stop for rest. Will post it on 1 of my personal websites ( Sloth System ).
Anyway this pic a little blurry but "Golden Hum" I bought from Baker, California can be seen.
10,000 Reasons
$loth $ystem
December 18th, 2022
Terencelyn [American]@ TheinToeLyn [MyanMar]
My 2 names symbolize Sun Light [US] & Eagle Sight [UM]
Hollies. My favorite song when I was living in Burma / Myanmar ( 1970s ). I remember listening together with one of my best friend ( he was the Church Pastor's son ) this song.
Hear that? Humans who design her?. Even cute 'Android' admits there is a Superior Designer/Creator that created her......Human. Who created/design the Human?. Have you ever thought about that?.
$2 Bill
Thein Toe Lyn [ Burmese Name ]
TOE the Tiger [ Golden Yellow Striker ]. THEIN the Eagle [ Freedom Soaring Flyer ] LYN [ Sun the Energy/Strength/Light giver ]. Amen.
Worthy Credit to SAY LAY & Kyaw Naing Tun.
Translation from Burmese to English by THEIN TOE (My Burmese Name). THEIN means Eagle & TOE means Additional or Plus or Pushy.
Sentences translation line by line.
1) The Hallmark you are alone is the Trademark of Courage.
2) Tiger always hunt alone
3) Eagle always fly alone
4) Sun always shine alone
5) But they all are .....
6) Very Powerful
7) They are alone as a sign of powerful STRENGTH hallmark.
End Translation..........Thein Toe @ Terencelyn in Transparency & Truth. Amen After Amen.
Dated December 16th, 2022.
Are EARTHLINGS alone too?........
Thein Toe Lyn.
Russia Collapse Soon.
1st AUTHENTIC picture of me was when young and attracted to females living a "carefree life" in Burma in the 1970s taken at the coast of Thanintharyi facing the Andaman Sea where the pilgrims of Buddhism from India landed converting the MON race/kingdom (South) and spread to the Burmese race/kingdom (Central). It was windy on the beach that day when the picture was taken. Can see the trees bending and my hair blowing in the wind.
2nd picture is the Big Bang Burst of the
Beginning of our Universe (demonstration purpose) from NOTHING as claimed by Scientists...12192022

"Quick Zigzag One Kick Style" of Argentina Team brings to my attention that THIS team IS truly the Worthy Champion....$loth $ystem
Individual Interpretation. When United States exchange Money for Alaska, Russia doesn't own Alaska anymore. That's the CONCEPT of exchange. NOT stealing!.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.
OPEN Book needs OPEN minds to explore the possibilities of finding the TRUTH.
Understanding & Interpreting THE OPEN BOOK. Misunderstanding Scriptures & Individual Interpretations differences allow diverse results. Always Remember......... BIBLE is an OPEN Book. THE Book of ALL times. It's Alpha & Omega like Jesus declares he IS the Beginning & the End. Everything in between (Alpha & Omega) IS flexibly open. IT IS WHAT IT IS. Top Atheist said there is no Adam & Eve........PROVE IT. Amen.
Rising Young 23 yrs old Super Star. K. Mbappe.
[ KM10 ].
He shot all 3 goals for France in FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 final match with Argentina that lasted 120 minutes and end up with a Penalty shoot which he shot 1 too. That's a total of 4 goals he shot alone for France in one game Final match. Amazingly Awesome.
2026 FIFA World Cup USA Next.
I suspect my necklace & pendant pure genuine 22K gold purchase in Myanmar Visit 2016 was ROBBED by 3 individuals (said they are from Dubai & they look middle eastern too) on April 14th, 2022 around 9:30 am in the parking lot of Asian Supermarket was DOXXING because one of them mention GPS in his (driver) conversation. White SUV drive by robbery.
I think they track my car and attack me. Can Verify.
Did you know in Military Government Burma/Myanmar clearance require BEFORE leaving the country especially for good ( C of I ) is rigid thoroughly & extremely investigated by 2 Branches. M.I. & C.I.D. clearance. I left the country with C of I certificate. Crystal Clear Record [ I never participated in any political party or anti government activity ] and thus I proceed direct to Las Vegas Nevada USA legally officially & clearly. Amen.
Updated 12/18/2022. Credit to Say Lay & Kyaw Naing Tun
TOE the Tiger [ Golden Yellow Striker ]. THEIN the Eagle [ Freedom Soaring Flyer ] LYN [ Sun/Star light, the Energy/Strength/Light giver ]. Amen.
Worthy Credit to SAY LAY & Kyaw Naing Tun.
Translation from Burmese to English by THEIN TOE (My Burmese Name). THEIN or Lyn Yon means Eagle & TOE means Additional or Plus or Pushy.
Sentences translation line by line.
1) The Hallmark you are alone is the Trademark of Courage.
2) Tiger always hunt alone
3) Eagle always fly alone
4) Sun always shine alone
5) But they all are .....
6) Very Powerful
7) They are alone as a sign of powerful STRENGTH hallmark.
End Translation..........Thein Toe @ Terencelyn in Transparency & Truth. Amen After Amen.
Dated December 16th, 2022.
Are EARTHLINGS alone too?........
Thein Toe Lyn. Myanmar & American names creatively combined by me.
I told you. I wouldn't purchase Twitter in the 1st place if I'm in EM place. Even now I don't need Twitter at all.
Yes! I agree with the Realtor. Blue Heron is the best at least my fav # 1 IF a big IF you had enough money to burn.
THE Best Year of My Life in USA is 2006. Never Forget !!! Sweet Memories. Amen.
Las Vegas & Henderson Cities are Conjoined Twin Cites. I had experience living in both Cities. Henderson 1 year living (rent) close to 7 hills. Mike Tyson estate in 7 hills I think & one time I saw Mike Tyson inside his car on South Eastern Ave Henderson once.
From Yangon, Burma direct to Las Vegas, USA (Capital $10) BEFORE the great USA Recession 2008. AFTER Chapter 7 (Capital $0.00) to present. 2020 (12 years later) America was hit with pandemic taking me down with it
AGAIN (2nd time Blow). But this 2nd time (Pandemic) I wouldn't let it happened like the 1st surprise AMBUSHED attack (Real Estate Meltdown) so I build up from ZERO to current stage (12 years time/2008 - 2020) with caution. Experience taught me AND with the help from Jesus Christ My Lord I STILL survive. CAN VERIFY. AMEN.
21st Century PELE
Blessed Angels ... Seraphim
The BEST World Championship Game Ever on Planet Earth. 2022 FIFA World Cup Argentina vs. France. 2 Quality Teams compete for 120 mins with 3 - 3 end draw. Argentina wins with penalty goal kick. My thought? Both Teams are Champions. Both Countries had twice win Championship games in the past. Now Argentina got 3 times win.
Bald Eagle
Thanks. Earth Eagle Eyes. The Sharpest Eyes Ever on Earth. 07162023.
Top Five Countries Symbolic Creatures
US = Bald Eagle [ Freedom ]
Russia = Bear [ Dictatorship ]
China = Snake / Dragon. [ Dictatorship ]
India = Elephant [ Neutral ]
UK = Lion [ Freedom ]
who owns south china sea?
Separation of Church & State. Let's dive to this Abyss. Church literally means a building of place where people meet to worship Christian Faith commonly lead by Pastors or Reverend or Preist. In SPIRITUAL means the Church or place of worship is in your heart & mind/brain. In this case you cannot separate God & human Mind for these 2 can communicate anywhere anytime anyway. It is not wise to try to separate the impossible. Jesus focus is your heart & soul. Nothing else. Not your assets, money or anything BUT your soul. Amen.
Many ask me WHAT "My Business" is?
My business is ... Changing the World in a Meaningful WAY. Amenn
L y n l i g h t
Prelude for Jesus/Yeshua
Lyn-yon [ My nickname for Bald-Eagle ] 07172023
Melchizedek ORDER. Godfather of Hinduism, Buddhism all other faiths/teachings.
Awaken Enlightened Both as High Preist & King of Salem Melchizedek who Bless Abraham ... Genesis Chapter 14:18 - 20.
My thinking. Both Preist & King Melchizedek is the pre-dated in order for Jesus also the Preist & King interaction with mysterious unknown Melchizedek. Therefore Jesus is as he declared himself in the beginning (Alpha) & the end (Omega). "Melchizedek Order Creed" handed down to other teachers since Genesis time.
Divine Source. 07162023
Separation of Church & State. Let's dive to this Abyss. Church literally means a building of place where people meet to worship Christian Faith commonly lead by Pastors or Reverend or Preist. In SPIRITUAL means the Church or place of worship is in your heart & mind/brain. In this case you cannot separate God & human Mind for these 2 can communicate anywhere anytime anyway. It is not wise to try to separate the impossible. Jesus focus is your heart & soul. Nothing else. Not your assets, money or anything BUT your soul. Amen.
Vassal State for China
Fail Vassal State
Sloth Bones. Profound Proof Meaning Sloth Survive to this day since 25,000 to 27,000 years ago. Sloths maybe Slow but Steadfast Survive Successfully with Splendor.
SlowTruth ... 07202023
Native American Music
I need Only One Country to live... United States. No need like a monkey jumping one country to another. Especially non Christian Countries.
Uwesome 07202023
My # 1 of my top 3 favorite States in US... UNIQUE UTAH in 12K. God [ Yahweh ] brought me here USA to see in person the Ultimate Uwesome UTAH. Thank you God. Amenn. *State where Gambling is illegal*. Number 1 State of United States. God Blessed with Natural Beauty.
Uwesome ... 07202023
Update. 12 26 2023
My conscious is clear for I know & understand the whole picture, the whole truth NOT partial. They pick on me because they cannot handle the truth. Blood stained hands are the worst......
If they hate me for telling the Truth ... Let it be.
Don't single out on just one particular person. That's call PICKING.
Did you know many are "scroll overs" and only a few "shared". Why? Because they lacks worthiness & wisdom. Let me say something about "colleagues" at work place. When you r the only Burmese both employees & Management in the ENTIRE hotel and 90% are Hispanic one single Burmese don't stand a chance for FAIR trial in anycase. Racism is EVERYWHERE. Every Race. Understand?.
Beautiful Gorgeous Famous Ladies.
12 26 2023. Did you know WHY life is like this? It applies to ALL.
TIME eats us ALL. No discrimination.....But ... TRUTH is irrelevant to TIME. So what IS the TRUTH?. Ask the Christians. Most knows.....
Lynlight. My Perception? TIME starts in the Beginning of the Universe. But TRUTH ? It was BEFORE TIME was born. Right there & then relevancy vanished. It is what it is. Eternal. Amen.
P.S. Many, I repeat Many CANNOT handle The Truth. That's another REALITY.
Gawdama Buddha is just like you & me. He eat sleep shit & die. Like us. The only difference is he achieve or attained "Enlightenment" whatever that is and people or his disciple monks/follow practice his good teachings. Yea?. So is other Faiths. Only & Only Yeshua or Jesus rise from the dead and live again. In Jesus there IS life after Death. Guaranteed by Jesus Christ or Yeshua Christ. No other faith has, so they all jealous of Christians & Christianity demeaning as much as they could but to no avail to this day.
Now that Christmas Day had passed, Let me talk a little about CAM Consciousness Awareness Mindfulness.
Possibility of "Life after Death" Scientifically (No Bullshit). Study & Research on Human Brain ... The mostly unknown territory.
Lynlight 12 26 2023
WE all know about "resuscitation" for the Heart when it stops. Yea? Sometimes it works, sometimes it won't. Yah? So why not resuscitate the Brain? Why not? For both the Heart & Brain are the MAJOR factor for "Living Life".
Follow me to this point? Yay? The catch is resuscitation on the Brain is much much delicate, tricky & slippery. Not like the Heart. As WE ... all knows Brain is more complex & sophisticated membrane one could think of let alone deal in practical terms. HighestEnd Being [ HEB ] had invented this amazing machine to function it's amazing performance so naturally from the HEB precise angle one must know which switch/point to turn 'off' AND which switch/point to turn 'on' out of Trillions of points. Follow me to this point.? Almighty Yahweh had design the Human Brain in the image of God so never underestimate the Miraculous Magnitude of Magnificent Brain. Will pause for now folks!.
I Terencelyn endorse and support "Biblical Research" wholeheartedly.
Same Meaning Different Names
Yahweh Yeshua Jehovah Jesus ...
Lynlight 12 26 2023
My Strength came from My Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. I had Yeshua / Jesus on my right hand & Truth on my left hand. Amen After Amen.
I need this gold cross (with Bible) necklace. ABSOLUTELY. 18K is my choice.
Christmas Present for Me.
12 25 2023.
Nobody knows Jesus / Yeshua Birthday. Nobody. That's the Truth.
Meaning of Christmas.
Christianity & Science goes hand in hand AND in par. It's all in the Bible both Old & New Testaments. Setting a FIX date can FOCUS on the FAITH. Many disrespect "Merry Christmas" and tried to replace with "Happy Holidays" or X' mas etc. Let it be. Christians Faith is all that matters whether what the argument is for the POINT is God so love the world that he sent his only Son to save his
Children of Light. That's one of the REASONS Christmas is dashing with colorful lights. As for December 25th we choose it because the weather is snowy & cool so let me say it again instead of making a fuss about the season not right, the gifts are economic and the whole agenda is Greek Pagan Gods worshipping etc. Why not keep a kind & understanding heart and exchange small gifts to lighten the kids mind for LOVE is all we need to this cruel, full of hatred and jealousy world. Makes sense?. Sincerity is Significant. Is it too much to ask? Sincerity doesn't cost a dime or cent.
Did you really know and understand why a young Nation United States is so powerful? Because the Foundation is rock solid and some termites wants to destroy it but to no avil for termites can only destroy weak wood but not solid Boulder Granite Rock.
Terence & Lyn. Amen & Merry CHRISTMAS! for Truth is Eternal....... 12 25 2023
Update 12 28 2023
This picture of skeleton below is the exact position I saw on the white wall besides my bed on the left side of my bed when I was half unconscious (asleep). The only difference is the skeleton IMAGE on the white wall is facing towards me.
T r i A n g l e
Skeleton Nephilim. [ S.N. ] 12 26 2023
S.N.[ Humanoid ] paid a visit ( to me ) on Christmas Eve & Christmas Day evenings. Strange but it's true. The Bible tells us the Nephilims are fallen Angels originated from God/Heaven.
Bizarre Phenomenon 12 28 2023
Look at the dates that happened. To me this is CLEARLY not coincidence.
There are Giants ( humanoid ) among us. This is the fact & the Truth. Realistically in our world many tall men & women exist. Mostly between 6ft & 7 ft tall and some are in between 7ft & 8ft tall. Rarely some but very few goes between 8ft & 9ft tall. The fact is there are tall & big humans.
*Skeleton Nephilim* paid a visit to me twice in my Bedroom. One on Christmas Eve (12/24/2023) & on Christmas Day (12/25/2023). Both same times late evening (I was asleep/nappy on bed half unconscious) when there is still light n no darkness. I interpret this as visit from Angels of Heaven for Nephilims are "off springs" of God in Heaven. What/How do you interpret this?.
Lynyon [ Burmese Words ]

[ Biblical Eagles ].
Note: Satan / Demon ( both ) attacks me on 11/30/2023. Last day of November showing God don't allow [Evil] to enter December Jesus birth month.
My mission on Earth.
I now realize there is a reason & purpose in all these happenings on Earth.
LynYon Nephilim 

LynYon means Eagle
Nephilim means Biblical Angel.
Lyn Yon Nephilim [L.Y.N.] means Biblical Eagle.

1st AUTHENTIC picture of me was when young and attracted to females living a "carefree life" in Burma in the 1970s taken at the coast of Thanintharyi facing the Andaman Sea where the pilgrims of Buddhism from India landed converting the MON race/kingdom (South) and spread to the Burmese race/kingdom (Central). It was windy on the beach that day when the picture was taken. Can see the trees bending and my hair blowing in the wind.
2nd picture is the Big Bang Burst of the
Beginning of our Universe (demonstration purpose) from NOTHING as claimed by Scientists...12192022
Many faces Many names of Terence Lyn. A man with 9 lives. I'm glad I'm Geniius. The only one with 2 i.
12 27 2023.
Note: 9 represent Burmese 1st dictator. 6 represent 2nd dictator. 3 represent me.
REVERSE AGING. Pictures taken on January 2016 and 3 years later on January 2019 compare & contrast. Pictures never lie. No make up or photo shop or any alteration. Just plain natural revealing the NAKED TRUTH.
Secret ........................... "Happiness & Contentment" does produce RESULTS. No medication no nothing but pure natural development.
Remember ............................3 [Trinity] can divide both 9 & 6 numbers while 9 & 6 cannot, willnot divide 3.

l y n y o n12 27 2023
Lyn Yon Nephilim
L. Y. N. Meaning: Biblical Eagle LynYon = Eagle
Nephilim = Biblical Angel 

Update 12 28 2023:
Bizarre Phenomenon:-:
Look at the dates that happened. To me this is CLEARLY not coincidence.
There are Giants ( humanoid ) among us. This is the fact & the Truth. Realistically in our world many tall men & women exist. Mostly between 6ft & 7 ft tall and some are in between 7ft & 8ft tall. Rarely some but very few goes between 8ft & 9ft tall. The fact is there are tall & big humans.
*Skeleton Nephilim* paid a visit to me twice in my Bedroom. One on Christmas Eve (12/24/2023) & on Christmas Day (12/25/2023). Both same times late evening (I was asleep/nappy on bed half unconscious) when there is still light n no darkness. I interpret this as visit from Angels of Heaven for Nephilims are "off springs" of God in Heaven. What/How do you interpret this?.
Lynyon [ Burmese Words ]

[ Biblical Eagles ].
Note: Satan / Demon ( both ) attacks me on 11/30/2023. Last day of November showing God don't allow [Evil] to enter December Jesus birth month.
Skeleton Nephilim visit on Christmas Eve & Christmas Day. How do you explain or interpret that?.

L Y n Y o n 12 28 2023
ConscriptCocoonCosmos, a Philosophical Phenomenon Perception.
Nobody can change The Truth.
Not even Time.

l y n y o n
The Three Truth:
Truth is Eternal
Truth Matters
Truth is Verifiable ... 12 26 2023
My Hybrid Mission.
Why I say myself "MAN with 9 lives" ?.
I encounter 9 storms in 2 months, October (6) & November (3). The final one November 30th is the most viscous threats to life indeed. The Satan & Devil Combination attack BUT anyway, anyhow Wonderful Angle Angels save. Amen. Thanks to Jesus / Yeshua.
Satan (Leader) Devil (Follower) Manipulators 

The difference between Christianity & other Faiths ... Christian God is THE Creator where else others are Teacher, Preacher and Messenger, etc. TriAngle /_\
Human was created in the IMAGE of God. Remember... God has many images and forms... We Earthlings maybe small yet we contain immense information. We may be nothing yet we are something like star dust.....
Never underestimate yourself cuz u r creation/created by God. The potential in you is far greater than you think. Amen.
TriAngle /_\
Contact with Supernatural. 3 times. November 30th 2023 December 24th 2023 & December 25th 2023.
TriAngle /_\ 12 29 2023
Blessed are the pure in Heart: For they shall see God.
Matthew 5:8
TriAngle /_\ 12 29 2023
Update 12 28 2023
This picture of skeleton below is the exact position I saw on the white wall besides my bed on the left side of my bed when I was half unconscious (asleep). The only difference is the skeleton IMAGE on the white wall is facing towards me.
T r i A n g l e
Skeleton Nephilim. [ S.N. ] 12 26 2023
S.N.[ Humanoid ] paid a visit ( to me ) on Christmas Eve & Christmas Day evenings. Strange but it's true. The Bible tells us the Nephilims are fallen Angels originated from God/Heaven.
Bizarre Phenomenon 12 28 2023
Look at the dates that happened. To me this is CLEARLY not coincidence.
There are Giants ( humanoid ) among us. This is the fact & the Truth. Realistically in our world many tall men & women exist. Mostly between 6ft & 7 ft tall and some are in between 7ft & 8ft tall. Rarely some but very few goes between 8ft & 9ft tall. The fact is there are tall & big humans.
*Skeleton Nephilim* paid a visit to me twice in my Bedroom. One on Christmas Eve (12/24/2023) & on Christmas Day (12/25/2023). Both same times late evening (I was asleep/nappy on bed half unconscious) when there is still light n no darkness. I interpret this as visit from Angels of Heaven for Nephilims are "off springs" of God in Heaven. What/How do you interpret this?.
Lynyon [ Burmese Words ]

[ Biblical Eagles ].
Note: Satan / Demon ( both ) attacks me on 11/30/2023. Last day of November showing God don't allow [Evil] to enter December Jesus birth month.
LynYon means Eagle
Nephilim means Biblical Angel.
Lyn Yon Nephilim [L.Y.N.] means Biblical Eagle.

Don't single out on just one particular person. That's call PICKING.
Did you know many are "scroll overs" and only a few "shared". Why? Because they lacks worthiness & wisdom. Let me say something about "colleagues" at work place. When you r the only Burmese both employees & Management in the ENTIRE hotel and 90% are Hispanic one single Burmese don't stand a chance for FAIR trial in anycase. Racism is EVERYWHERE. Every Race. Understand?.
12 30 2023
Myanmar Christian (Kachin) Wedding.
Myanmar Christians Baptist Church Wedding in Kyaukkone, Yankin Township, Yangon Myanmar. This Kachin couple took Wedding vow at My Mother's [founder] Kanbe Baptist Church. This is the same Church where I was BAPTIZED too.
I don't know or understand all these complicated AE equations & formulas but I do know /_\ & <+> = MEE
I'm there.
They call it "Blue Planet". I call it "Lonely Planet". We have different perspectives. It's OK. Just don't make Truth as False. Amen....
TriAngle. /_\ 12 30 2023.
Lyn Law:
God always Righteous.
New Year Resolution?.
Whatever will be, will be.... 12 30 2023.
My Thoughts on Nikki Haley recent comment on slavery. As humans we all focus on something. Some focus on past, some on present & some even on future which no one knows what's going to happen the next day. NH focus is on present & future which is a wise thing in my perspective. Finding fault on any human can be ENDLESS for no one is perfect.. Let's focus on Present & Future like NH and learn from the past. Amen.
Dated 12/29/2023
TriAngle /_\ [ Legal Voter for United States President ].
I'm a Free Man and speaking what's on my mind. Thank you God for giving this birth right.
Myanmar people are not free. Military Council restrict them. Entire country is like a big jail.
Fischer vs Spassky
Human was created in the IMAGE of God. Remember... God has many images and forms... We Earthlings maybe small yet we contain immense information. We may be nothing yet we are something like star dust.....
Never underestimate yourself cuz u r creation/created by God. The potential in you is far greater than you think. Amen.
TriAngle /_\
Contact with Supernatural. 3 times. November 30th 2023 December 24th 2023 & December 25th 2023.
TriAngle /_\ 12 29 2023
My Hybrid Mission.
Why I say myself "MAN with 9 lives" ?.
I encounter 9 storms in 2 months, October (6) & November (3). The final one November 30th is the most viscous threats to life indeed. The Satan & Devil Combination attack BUT anyway, anyhow Wonderful Angle Angels save. Amen. Thanks to Jesus / Yeshua.
Satan (Leader) Devil (Follower) Manipulators 

My goal is not in this world.
WrittenNote <+>
Blessed are the pure in Heart: For they shall see God.
Matthew 5:8
WrittenNote <+> 12 29 2023
Angels & Demons. My speciality.......
WrittenNote <+> 12 29 2023.
I agree with A.E. 100%. My time pass unnoticed doing what I like best ... writing my thoughts......
WrittenNote <+> 12 29 2023.