

Pictures of "Terence Lyn" when he was a University student in Burma/Myanmar.

02 24 2024

Challenging the unthinkable:

Honestly I'm not worry about CIVIL WAR between "Junta & Rebels" for it's been going on since world war 2 to date. What I'm worried about is so called "neighboring countries" namely Bangladesh, India, China, Laos & Thailand INTERFERENCE undermining the sovereignty of Myanmar. My prime suspect is Communist China, the notorious aggressor already annex Tibet, inner Mongolia. south china sea etc. I want to meet Senior General MIN AUNG HLAING one on one man to man basis to discuss forming the FEDERAL ARMY which ALL warring fractions included and participate as Unified ONE Formidable Force defending Myanmar. I will NOT represent nor affiliated with any country or group or political association but as a FREEMAN & INDEPENDENT one man diplomacy with of course "permission and acknowledgement" from My Country USA & Government AND invitation "in writing" OPEN letter from MIN AUNG HLAING. 


TRUTH vs. LAW, which one to change IF in conflict or crises?. Change the Truth or the Law?. Think!. Be Intelligent.
Universal Consciousness 


About Polaris Star. Created by YAHWEH. Human or Earthling LEVEL of understanding is inadequate insufficient & incomplete no matter how advanced Human Brains are for YAHWEH make sure the rebellion of Angel Satan also known as "Lucifer" cannot willnot happened again. Yahweh best of the best most trusted Arch Angel Lucifer [ Satan ] back stab Yahweh in Rebellion.

A W E.    02 24 2024

 Planet Earth nearest Star is Polaris or commonly known as North Star. 433 light years away. Actually Polaris Star is 3 Stars System that revolve each other. Also known as Polaris A, Ab & B. Something strange going on with Polaris now. Signs of Significance. Polaris location is near "little dipper" cluster of stars.
Polaris Pointer. 02 24 2024.
P.S. My assigned "Angel Wonderful Entity" [ AWE ] is also from Northern Sky Hemisphere. The light travels at the speed of 186,000 miles per second x 60sec x 60min x 24hr x 365days makes 1 light yr x 433 light years is the distance between Earth & Polaris. Travelling through the Vast Void.
VastVoid @ Geniius OR Earthlyn, Created by YAHWEH. This is just 1 nearest Star I AM talking about in our Universe. There are unimaginable countless Stars in our Universe YAHWEH had created from Nothing. 

Planet Earth nearest Star is Polaris or commonly known as North Star. 433 light years away. Actually Polaris Star is 3 Stars System that revolve each other. Also known as Polaris A, Ab & B. Something strange going on with Polaris now. Signs of Significance. Polaris location is near "little dipper" cluster of stars.Polaris Pointer. 02 24 2024.P.S. My assigned "Angel Wonderful Entity" [ AWE ] is also from Northern Sky Hemisphere. The light travels at the speed of 186,000 miles per second x 60sec x 60min x 24hr x 365days makes 1 light yr x 433 light years is the distance between Earth & Polaris. Travelling through the Vast Void.VastVoid @ Geniius OR Earthlyn, Created by YAHWEH. 


Isn't this Something?. BOTH his Uncle 35th U.S. President John F. Kennedy AND his Dad U.S. Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated. America OWES humongous Gratitude to Kennedy Families for the Ultimate price THEY have given to the Nation & the People. I can't understand.??? WHY may I ask ??? 



Polaris changing. Without Polaris, Astronomy Telescopes will become useless. 


Tri Star System Polaris 


Human Brain was created to understand what is right and what is wrong. If one cannot differentiate between right or wrong, that person goes down to low level of animal brain. 

I nickname "White Top Tabernacle".

Oversight Observer. 02 24 2024 



You will be my "Legacy" and I will be your "Swiftonite" or "Taylorite". Conscious Constant Contact Curiosity Center Collection.

Myanmar Military


God created Female for Male. Vice Versa. Amen.

For the purpose of Insurance in reproducing Earthling/Mankind to multiply and prosper. DON'T abuse the Goodwill of God. There is ONLY 2 species. Male & Female. The rest are RUBBISHED !!!. Enjoying sex, love and companionship in pursuit of happiness is Okay.

02 22 2024

Christian Nationalism ::: Hybrid of Spirituality & Statehood. God's Country One Nation Under The Cross. The leading MODEL Nation Under True God. Flag of Christian Nationalism. UCA United Christian States......02 22 2024

C r o s s d o m

02 26 2024

Authentic Original Identity of "Terence" is a Biographical Name according to Merriam-Webster Dictionary from Dramatist "Terentius" as early as 186-159 B.C. 




The Bow



Stardust: Professor Brian Cox

Estimate Expectation : Universe has 2 Trillion Galaxies. YAHWEH creation is AWE inspiring. Did you ever wonder the Authentic Original definition or identity of Terence is? Also Lyn is?. Terence is a Biographical Name Originated from Terentius in 186-159 B.C. according to Merriam-Webster Dictionary. It's an Ancient Antique Name. As for LYN its Variant or Manifesting Variety according to Dictionary. Terence LYN.  02 25 2024


How do you count 200 Billion Stars in 1 Galaxy and 2 Trillion Galaxies in the Cosmos?. How?. You can write 2 Trillion but can you count 2 Trillion?. Here comes the difference or differentiate values between WORD & ACT. Dig? The "value" of WORD is infinite and the value of ACTION is limited. Reverse Rundavue.  02 25 2024.How do you interpret the scripture phrase of John 1;1 ?. " In the beginning was the WORD and the WORD was with God and the WORD was God". It looks simple but it has far fetch meaning and resound implications.


Knowing & Keeping Knowledge IS the KEY in preserving our Earthlings Specie, at least in our Milky Way Galaxy. Home of Solar  System. Intelligence plays a major role so don't be idiotic. Yahweh has a purpose in creating Humanic Intelligence. [ H.I. ]Commonsense Causality 


Did you comprehend that? Sometimes it is possible to Reverse if you know the secrets and understand the way.... Causality. CocoonCosmos   02 25 2024 



Challenging the unthinkable:Honestly I'm not worry about CIVIL WAR between "Junta & Rebels" for it's been going on since world war 2 to date. What I'm worried about is so called "neighboring countries" namely Bangladesh, India, China, Laos & Thailand INTERFERENCE undermining the sovereignty of Myanmar. My prime suspect is Communist China, the notorious aggressor already annex Tibet, inner Mongolia. south china sea etc. I want to meet Senior General MIN AUNG HLAING one on one man to man basis to discuss forming the FEDERAL ARMY which ALL warring fractions included and participate as Unified ONE Formidable Force defending Myanmar. I will NOT represent nor affiliated with any country or group or political association but as a FREEMAN & INDEPENDENT one man diplomacy with of course "permission and acknowledgement" from My Country USA & Government AND invitation "in writing" OPEN letter from MIN AUNG HLAING. 


TRUTH vs. LAW, which one to change IF in conflict or crises?. Change the Truth or the Law?. Think!. Be Intelligent.
Universal Consciousness 



Pictures of "Terence Lyn" when he was a University student in Burma/Myanmar during the 1970s..God created Female for Male. Vice Versa. Amen.For the purpose of Insurance in reproducing Earthling/Mankind to multiply and prosper. DON'T abuse the Goodwill of God. There is ONLY 2 species. Male & Female. The rest are RUBBISHED !!!. Enjoying sex, love and companionship in pursuit of happiness is Okay. It is God's Intention. What is NOT okay is Abusing in a Satanic Evil Ways. It is what it is. You cannot change the TRUTH with massive money (most dirty) or crooked corruption nor with deceptive motives. Not even Time can change the Truth. Amen.

The BEST years of my life is University Student Years in [ RASU ] Burma now Myanmar. Voted freshman King but TIED with another contender. Re-voted, contender wins with few switch votes, maybe some guys jealous of me. Girls upsets, disagree. Girls even come and tell me their disagreements. Picture in Burma. Authentic black & white photo of me. No politics [ Burmese Military likes that ]. None!. Just busy in LOVE affairs with females so much so girls copy the lessons for me, my missing lectures in my study books AND lecturers call me at office for attendance problem me dating with girls missing classes going movies with girls. Really a Shining STAR ( females heart throb & I enjoy it ) without any publicity. So much so I failed final test at final 4th year and stay 5years total and attain degree B.A.. Me just Simple but Attractive to females. I did ask some of my girlfriends and they said I'm cute good looking young skinny Long hair guy especially my VOICE or Sound is very appealing & makes a girl's heart melt. They said no female can resist my saying because my voice sounds so gentle soft & sweet to them. Blessing by my Creator God. They said in Burmese " A Than Kyar Chit Khin Bar Say ". Meaning, Hearing my voice melts their hearts away or loves me. Amen. Telling The Whole Truth IS My Job. Amen After Amen.


Have to stay 5 years [ failed final test @ 4th year ] instead of 4 years course in the University for missing classes dating pretty girls, but I passed the final year on 2nd attempt. I thank girls for copying notes into my studying books from my missing lectures/classes. This convocation hall is the place where United States 44th President Barack Obama with Hillary Clinton accompanied him during their visit paid a stunning speech to Burma & Burmese People/Government calling "Myanmar" officially as acknowledgement creating positive reflection from the Military Government resulting a Civilian Government elected by the people of Myanmar. 


R.A.S.University freshman welcome in Burma I was voted KING but TIED with another male. Revoted, 1 or 2 votes switch to the other guy & he becomes King. Many girls complain. So be it. 

Simple Life
Hippie Hermit


 I don't need ABC or MGM or LBGTQRSZ or ATT or KGB or CCP. I need Jesus Christ. Amen. 


I LOVE Mo hin ga (Myan Mar Food). I can eat everyday without boring. No problem. I drive 400 miles one way to Los Angeles with my luxury Cadillac XTS (not electric) and buy dried (non perishable) Mo hin ga stock up for 6 months supply. One of my favorite food I cherish and eat. Thank you Jesus for availability in Los Angeles City [2nd largest in USA]. My favorite brand is "Khin Htwe Yee" Mo hin ga. 





Sorry my websites are still ongoing construction not complete because most of my time is on Facebook. Now will have time "concentrate & focus" on my personal SITES.

THY Kingdom Come. MAN of the Century.At 12:31am Eastern Standard Time Saturday, January 7th, 2023 Honorable Kevin McCarTHY becomes the 55th Speaker of the House [ 55SOTH ]. 118th Congress. Amen. Dated 01/07/2023.Notice the color of his TIE ?. Purple, the Mixture  of Red (Conservative) & Blue (Liberalism) becomes Purple (Union) also Purple is well known as the color representing God. Amen.P.S. I see deep & rare insight (0.01%). 55SOTH is also 3rd In Line of United States Presidency AFTER 1st] President & 2nd] Vice President. 


Mr. FREEDOM [ Born to be FREE ].Freedom from Social Media.ME ... HippieHermit Never charge Anything for Any reason to  Anybody. Ever !. I also "cancel" PAID news (fake news) & media (waste of time). It will have NO impact for HERMIT like me. Amen.To my few TRUE & FAITHFUL friends. If you REALLY want and ONLY IF you wish, can follow FREE of ANY charge (no need Subscription) or read my thoughts in my websites (with an S). Copy my websites links. Terence Lyn / HippieHermit. This photo was the latest updated taken on February 15th, 2023. Thanks lol. February 19th, 2023.Note. Prefer Rather take down my PAGES ( Facebook & Instagram ) than pay for the "Badge" monthly. Sorry but Safe in Silence. Time to FOCUS on My Personal Websites. Amen


Nothing Personal. I ENJOY Facebook "possibly" TIME to say GOODBYE.....HippieHermit. There's a saying from My Mom. Quote, *Son, always stick to Jesus Christ, nobody can destroy/steal/take away your BRAIN as long as you live so seek for wisdom & knowledge as much as possible. Secured more than money or gold for these things can be taken away*. End quote. Thank You Mom.Advance Notice To Meta About Possible "Cancel My Subscription" of Facebook & Instagram since 2016 - 2023 (7 years). Do what you had to do. I do what I had to do. Nothing Personal. Just Business like. Fair?. Sorry, "Silence IS Golden" Buddy for 7 yrs. Time for Bye although hopefully not or with regret.......HippieHermit. Amen. Glory to God in the Highest. Amen After Amen. 


I'm NOT a Bird to Tweet @ Twitter.Advanced Question.How do I Cancel My Subscription??? Avoiding $11.99 per month CHARGE ??? For a badge??? (For both Facebook & Instagram)..........Hippie Hermit. 02192023I don't need Blue or Black Badge or ANY badge in this matter. Willing to stay SILENCE for SILENCE is GOLDEN Anyway. "Twitter" I stay since 2012 for 11 years (2012 - 2023) but time to say goodbye PERMANENTLY. Now comes META, Time to say Good Bye? Since 2016 to 2023 for 7 years (2016 - 2023) ???. *Let It Be* like Beatles song. Hope I'm wrong. Like Twitter, I'm NOT a Bird to Tweet. That's the Truth. I'll rather stick to the Truth. Amen. In the Holy & Precious Name Jesus Christ. Badge? Thanks BUT no thanks. I prefer to stick with ONLY JC [ Jesus Christ ]. Bye Twitter & Maybe, just Maybe Meta. My Brain follows me wherever I go Myanmar or USA but NOT Social Media. 


Pictures of "Terence Lyn" when he was a University student in Burma/Myanmar during 1970s. [ Hippie Generation in the West ].God created Female for Male. Vice Versa. Amen.For the purpose of Insurance in reproducing Earthling/Mankind to multiply and prosper. DON'T abuse the Goodwill of God. There is ONLY 2 species. Male & Female. The rest are RUBBISHED !!!. Enjoying sex, love and companionship in pursuit of happiness is Okay. It is God's Intention. What is NOT okay is Abusing in a Satanic Evil Ways. It is what it is. You cannot change the TRUTH with massive money (most dirty) or crooked corruption nor with deceptive motives. Not even Time can change the Truth. Amen.The BEST years of my life is University Student Years in [ RASU ] Burma now Myanmar. Voted freshman King but TIED with another contender. Re-voted, contender (his name is Sammy, but NOT his real name for his privacy, Macho Strong Arms Man ) wins with few switch votes, maybe some guys jealous of me. Girls upsets, disagree (My girls don't go for SIZE). Girls even come and tell me their disagreements. Pictures in Burma. Authentic black & white photo of me. No politics [ Burmese Military likes that ]. None!. Just busy in LOVE affairs with females so much so girls copy the lessons for me, my missing lectures in my study books AND lecturers call me at office for attendance problem me dating with girls missing classes going movies with girls. Really a Shining STAR ( females heart throb & I enjoy it ) without any publicity therefore I got privacy. Good & Joyful Simple Life. So much so I failed final test at final 4th year (for ignoring studies) and stay 5years total and attain degree B.A.. Me just Simple but Attractive to females. I did ask some of my girlfriends and they said I'm cute good looking young skinny Long hair guy especially my VOICE or Sound is very appealing & makes a girl's heart melt. They said no female can resist my saying because my voice sounds so gentle soft & sweet to them. Blessing by my Creator God. They said in Burmese " A Than Kyar Chit Khin Bar Say ". Meaning, Hearing my voice melts their hearts away or loves me. AmenTelling The Whole Truth IS My Duty/Job. Amen After Amen........Simple Life HippieHermit...... My Enclave Eves, Creation of God Almighty.LikeCommentShare


Have to stay 5 years [ failed final test @ 4th year ] instead of 4 years course in the University for missing classes dating pretty girls, but I passed the final year on 2nd attempt. I thank girls for copying notes into my studying books from my missing lectures/classes. This convocation hall is the place where United States 44th President Barack Obama with Hillary Clinton accompanied him during their visit paid a stunning speech to Burma & Burmese People/Government calling "Myanmar" officially as acknowledgement creating positive reflection from the Military Government resulting a Civilian Government elected by the people of Myanmar.


Mr. FREEDOM [ Born to be FREE ].Freedom from Social Media.ME ... HippieHermit Never charge Anything for Any reason to  Anybody. Ever !. I also "cancel" PAID news (mostly fake news) & media (waste of time). It will have NO impact for HERMIT (since childhood) like me. Amen.To my few TRUE & FAITHFUL friends. If you REALLY want and ONLY IF you wish, can follow FREE of ANY charge (no need like or Subscription) or read my thoughts in my websites (with an S). Copy my websites links. Terence Lyn / HippieHermit. My photo was the latest updated taken on February 15th, 2023. Thanks lol. February 19th, 2023.Note. Prefer Rather take down my PAGES ( Facebook & Instagram ) than pay for the "Badge" monthly. Sorry but Safe in Silence. Save Time from Facebook and FOCUS on My Personal Websites. Amen. My 4 babies (cars). 2 blacks, 1 white, 1 yellow. I love them all. 


Quote " there would be no changes to accounts on Facebook and Instagram that are already verified" end quote. Is that mean no charge or add $11.99/monthly for 7 years Verify user like me??. HOPEFULLY it is for me to continue using Facebook & Instagram. If $11.99 is for new users unverify only I will thank Meta for this.Nothing Personal. I ENJOY Facebook "possibly" TIME to say GOODBYE.....HippieHermit. I disagree adding $11.99/monthly.There's a saying from My Mom. Quote, *Son, always stick to Jesus Christ, nobody can destroy/steal/take away your BRAIN as long as you live so seek for wisdom & knowledge as much as possible. Secured more than money or gold for these things can be taken away*. End quote. Thank You Mom.Advance Notice To Meta About Possible "Cancel My Subscription" of Facebook & Instagram since 2016 - 2023 (7 years). Do what you had to do. I do what I had to do. Nothing Personal. Just Business like. Fair?. Sorry, "Silence IS Golden" Buddy for 7 yrs. Time for Bye although hopefully not or with regret.......HippieHermit. Amen. Glory to God in the Highest. Amen After Amen. 


Quote " there would be no changes to accounts on Facebook and Instagram that are already verified" end quote. Is that mean no charge or add $11.99 monthly for 7 years Verify user like me?. HOPEFULLY it is for me to continue using Facebook & Instagram. If $11.99 is for new users unverify only I will thank Meta for this.Nothing Personal. I ENJOY Facebook "possibly" TIME to say GOODBYE.....HippieHermit. I disagree adding $11.99/monthly.There's a saying from My Mom. Quote, *Son, always stick to Jesus Christ, nobody can destroy/steal/take away your BRAIN as long as you live so seek for wisdom & knowledge as much as possible. Secured more than money or gold for these things can be taken away*. End quote. Thank You Mom.Advance Notice To Meta About Possible "Cancel My Subscription" of Facebook & Instagram since 2016 - 2023 (7 years). Do what you had to do. I do what I had to do. Nothing Personal. Just Business like. Fair?. Sorry, "Silence IS Golden" Buddy for 7 yrs. Time for Bye although hopefully not or with regret.......HippieHermit. Amen. Glory to God in the Highest. Amen After Amen.I'm NOT a Bird to Tweet @ Twitter.Advanced Question.I disagree adding $11.99/month.How do I Cancel My Subscription??? Avoiding $11.99 per month CHARGE ??? For a badge??? (For both Facebook & Instagram)..........Hippie Hermit. 02192023I don't need Blue or Black Badge or ANY badge in this matter. Willing to stay SILENCE for SILENCE is GOLDEN Anyway. "Twitter" I stay since 2012 for 11 years (2012 - 2023) but time to say goodbye PERMANENTLY. Now comes META, Time to say Good Bye? Since 2016 to 2023 for 7 years (2016 - 2023) ???. *Let It Be* like Beatles song. Hope I'm wrong. Like Twitter, I'm NOT a Bird to Tweet. That's the Truth. I'll rather stick to the Truth. Amen. In the Holy & Precious Name Jesus Christ. Badge? Thanks BUT no thanks. I prefer to stick with ONLY JC [ Jesus Christ ]. Bye Twitter & Maybe, just Maybe Meta. My Brain follows me wherever I go Myanmar or USA but NOT Social Media. 



President Biden surprise visit to Ukraine





Thank God it's only a testing. Hope it stays as it is with no change. Already cut 11,000 staffs. I. Believe Facebook will bounce back supersedes rival social media platforms. I will contribute my share or part with creative ideas FREE. Don't rock the boat in this turbulent times/waters. Can make up money alternate ways. Combination of AI (Artificial Intelligence/Machine) & CI (Creative Ideas/Mankind) will do. 



Happy Birthday Whyne on this Audacious Day February 20th, 2023


HAPPY BIRTHDAY Baby Doll Darling...Beautiful Wonderful Whyne! ... In LOVE we're bonded. February 20th, 2023.



GIANTS like Google, Twitter, Meta etc. are cutting jobs massively. What in the World IS happening?. Humanity in trouble...
HippyHermit 02/20/2023 




# Highly Intelligent
# Uniqueness
# Rarest 



Highly Intelligent. Totally different and significant ways of thinking skills with innovation .....Cruxcode... 2023 A.DWhen you hit 10 out of 10 and 100% you DEFINITELY is a Genius whether "others" agree or not. When you attend Rangoon Arts & Science University (Top University in Asia at 1960s era) @ 0.0005 dollar a day including bus fare & food you definitely is a Genius in managing money in attaining Degree.Amazingly I have ALL 10 points in me Gifted by Eternal God /// Supernatural. Amenn.1] Not having to try hard in solving. Naturally gifted. I had many bad times full of problems but I overcome all of them.2] Talking to yourself. Mixture of Madness in Geniussity.3] Embracing Mental Challenges. Solving problems. 4] Staying up late. Night Owl. Creativity5] Messy. My home is messy. My 4 personal websites are messy etc. Being messy type is automatic to me.6] Enjoying reading. I spent most of my time on internet reading & learning never ending my exploration & researching. 7] Humour. I am funny naturally. I know that and many said to me too.8] Tend to forgetfulness. My notice boards (I had 2 big ones in my house) are full of reminders papers and notes. Over Loaded. 9] Tendency to worrisome. Even small insignificant matters. Sensitive guy. Over thinking.10] Curiosity like learning expanding information on knowledge & wisdom. Internet is my favorite top hobby.My numbers are upside down to Video listings. I put # 1 first and # 10 last. Video put 10 first and the end put 1. 


Advanced & Powerful telescopes are our eyes n ears in space. The most asked question is ... is there living creatures/entities in our Universe besides earthlings?. My assessment/answer to that is YES. In fact many visited Earth invisibly. Their Super Advance Technology is way out of reach for humans (so far). 


The Endless Battle for Vegas. This is NOT a story. This is REAL.My Favorite is Circus Circus Entertainment/Enterprise, change name to *Mandalay Resort Group*. That's it. Only one. I don't go by the SIZE but how they treated their Employees which is the bedrock of all companies. Currently VICI Properties is the Landlord of Vegas ( Strip ). VICI Properties acquired both MGM & CAESARS. 


24 Karet PURE Gold Bracelet. I love 24K but it is too soft and can wobble because of pure gold is weak. My favorite is 22K. Stronger & Harder with still shining quality. 



* Different American *  August 12th, 2023 

3 Lions advanced to Semi Final. US & UK are bonded by blood tears & strong cultures Heritage & Faith. Amen.

Different American [[[ DA ]]] 


Right on my brothers & sisters "down under". Advanced to Semi Final. America & Australia are cousins in deed.

Different American [[[ DA ]]].


Vegas to LA   Brightline Train


Moab my fav town. Stunningly Spectacular Splendor Sight. 



Cheers !!!Sweden (2) Wins over Japan (1) in the Quarter Final Match advance to Semi Final.Going to celebrate today.

CrossSwede   08112023








America needs 21st Century Railway Systems for Alternate Transportation.

Different American [ DiffAm ] 08122023 







Sin City & Sphere



Top Ten Beautiful States of USA.I replace Hawaii (island) with Florida and Michigan with Washington State. Meaning 80% agree.

[ DiffAm ]    Heading towards Heaven. 


Awesome American

08152023   Scarface




All my life in USA, I apply (1984) Job at one Company ONLY. Just one. THAT GOOD Company is "Mandalay Resorts Group" also known as "Circus Circus Enterprise". 


Sin City & Sphere


Fake Love & Real Love




United States is the ONLY nation founded by "Protestant Christianity" starting with 13 States in 1776 to an EMPIRE Worldwide with the strength, economy, wisdom, technological advances second to none to this day 2023. Agility Capabilities & Versatility rested & tested in real terms despite the world Envy upon this YOUNG & FREE nation. Amen. Ever Evangelical.    08172023 




Burmese food institution
















Never Forget

5 Signs. Who said so I have to be like them?. I'm different and I had my own insight & understanding. You'll go your ways, I'll go my way.



Mr. Freeze





A Young Nation ...
Blessed by God
Created by God
Founded by God. TOE 09022023 

Twin Traits
They are worshipping Greed NOT God.
Aging of American Leadership takes tolls. Many Americans take God's blessings for granted and overlook it to be regretful one day which can be too late. I hope & wish not.......Judeo Christian ( JC ). 

For me there are 3 Powerful Prayers.

1] The Lord's Prayer

2] Psalm 91

3] Psalm 23


Besides the Lord's Prayer, here is 2 most Powerful Prayers of the Bible.

Prayer TOE with Love.  09022023 

Amen After Amen

Prayer TOE with Love.  09022023 





Las Vegas





Psalm 91New Heart English Bible [ NHEB ] Version. Quote.NHEB(i) 1 He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High will rest in the shadow of Shaddai. 2 I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress; my God, in whom I trust." 3 For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler, and from the deadly pestilence. 4 He will cover you with his feathers. Under his wings you will take refuge. His truth is an encompassing shield. 5 You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day; 6 nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor of the destruction that wastes at noonday. 7 A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it will not come near you. 8 You will only look with your eyes, and see the recompense of the wicked. 9 Because you have made the LORD, my refuge, the Most High, your dwelling place, 10 no evil shall overtake you; no plague shall come near your dwelling. 11 For he will put his angels in charge of you, to guard you in all your ways. 12 In their hands they will lift you up, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone. 13 You will tread upon the lion and the viper. You will trample the young lion and the serpent underfoot. 14 "Because he has set his love on me, therefore I will deliver him. I will set him on high, because he has known my name. 15 He will call on me, and I will answer him. I will be with him in trouble. I will deliver him, and honor him. 16 I will satisfy him with long life, and show him my salvation." End quote. TOE




RDS/NFS   Steadfastly.  No Nonsense Nexus. 09042023 


Nobody forcing you. Just offering choice with honest love. 

Mam ... first & foremost did you know "Holy Bible" is NOT an ordinary Book written by ordinary writers/authors to begin with?. If a person doesn't understand this, forget about decoding the hidden codes to unlock the secrets of Wisdom given or written in THE BOOK of ALL times. In Jesus precious name ... Amen.





Canada & US

I'm all (100%) for Uniting Canada & US making 1 powerful Nation on Planet Earth. It's a win-win situation for both nations.Lynway.    09062023


Different faith marriage

Lesson number 1. NEVER ever build a marriage of different faiths to avoid unforeseeable tons of problems that can lead to unhappiness & unhealthy relationship. Lynway. 


Mariana Islands

Guam Bulwark Defense to the teeth. Not only Guam, Northern Mariana islands [ 14 islands ] should be militarized as frontline OUTPOST to counter China. Lynway 


Wonderful.  US "Military Outpost" Mariana 15 islands including Guam in West Pacific is the Frontline Formidable Freedom Forces to counter Chinky Aggression. Lynway. 









Cross examination (not challenge) on Muslim Dr. By ... L y n p r a y.       There are multiple statements in the Complete Bible that indicates / said Jesus / Yeshua IS God / Yahweh. Be careful how you interpret the “Holy Hidden Complete Bible”. Amen.Example... BOLD Declaration.In the “Holy Hidden Complete Bible” it is written Jesus SAID ... “ I AM the Way (Path) the Truth (what really happened) and the Life (Living / Alive)”. Meaning No Normal person can be DEAD for 3 days & nights and becomes ALIVE again by “himself” (Way) not to mention opening the closed TOMB by “himself” (Truth) and Alive again (Risen/Life). Only God can do that. Amen.L y n p r a y (Not a scholar but a Simpleman Living a simple lifestyle in God Given Country United States of America). In JESUS precious holy name, Amen. 



02 22 2024

SSS   Spirit = Yahweh/Yeshua  Self = MEE  Shadow = My Other/Own. 

Spirit Self Shadow
Life Truth Way

My Motto

C r o s s d o m


Meaning of LYN
L stands for Light
Y stands for Yeshua
N stands for Nexus 

Dated.  February 21st, 2024 [ Leap Year ].My Reflections My Revival My Reminiscent 


RISE of Christian Nationalism. Argument AIM America.... AAIMA.*In God We Trust Under Cross*. Spiritual & States are ONE. Holy Hybrid [ Spirit States ]. 02 20 2024


Known as "Grandfather Beach"::: unknown even to Myanmar people let alone the world.Here's another favorite Secluded Silent Serenity. You + Nature + Spirit Presence. This is in Dawei Peninsula Inlet, Tanintharyi Region, Myanmar. I don't think even cell phone/internet is accessible. Randomly White Sandbars emerge when the Andaman Sea tide is low. Remote Reminiscent Refreshing. Myanmar as a country is already isolated and cut off from International community. This particular place is isolated from the rest of the country so one can imagine this.place is ultra super isolated self cocoon where there's no internet or cell phone is available. TOTAL secluded area. Nature undeveloped virgin unexplored unknown place which suits to my.need. MEE Nature & Holy Spirit.CocoonCosmos.......Earthlyn Essence. 


"Alien Throne" Natural Monument in Badlands, New Mexico State, USA.My personal private nickname for this natural wonder will be "MossNet" Natural Monument [ M N N M ]. February 19th, 2024.Secluded Silent. You + Nature + HolySpirit. 






Whitehaven Queensland Australia:::I rank this place Whitehaven, Queensland Australia 2nd in the world RIVAL to Grandfather,  Tanintharyi,  Myanmar. It's accessible only by flight (air) & waterway (boat) where else Myanmar Grandfather Beach is accessible by land, air & sea. 3 ways. Whitehaven sandbars are larger than Grandfather. The water level at Whitehaven [Pacific Ocean tide] is deep where else Myanmar Grandfather water level is shallow for Andaman Sea tide is not that deep. Good for walkabout. Also I like the Virginity of Grandfather Beach where few Earthlings roamed. Less pollution. Ocean tide * Sea tide has different effects. 


Creator's Crux Creation @ it's Best.My number 1 unknown beach on the ENTIRE Planet Earth. It fits my CRUX criteria where Nature is AS IS.  Not far from My Birthplace. Amen. Grandfather Beach, Tanintharyi Region, Myanmar. Virgin Unknown Unexplored Undeveloped Unique Ultra Secluded Silent Serenity. Randomly only at Andaman Sea "low tide" did the white soft sandbars emerge where one can "walkabout" through knee deep crystal clear turquoise waters around the INLET of Dawei Peninsula. Perfect place for tranquility nature & spirit presence.

Earthlyn Essence. Added: I hope & pray concerning "Earthlings", both in Myanmar & International PRESERVE this place from destruction. Let the Earth lives her natural way. 


03 19 2024

All 3 Pillars must be met. If one is missing, you're OUT. Not eligible. Myanmarican.  03 19 2024.  Blood SUGAR level ... Normal.  Amen. If "OVER 120" you are slowly but surely ignoring the potential of damaging your inner organs. YOUR CHOICE/DECISION. 

Tri-3 Stringent Pillars. 1] Myanmar Origin migrate America and Americanized 2] Base on Singularity 3] ABC Christianity. No Exceptions.

The Great Attractor


There's a BIG difference between Myanmar & Myanmarican. Myanmar is a country's name. Myanmarican is invented by me (new word) of a Characteristic of a person or persons conjoined of 2 countries/nations (Myanmar + America) into one unique personality different from other Earthlings based on Singularity. Myanmarican Logo. 03 18 2024. 


China control Myanmar for China's interest ONLY. Idiots never learn. Myanmar needs to understand Quality is Superior than Quantity, Big or small.

Quiet Quark. 


Myanmarican Myanmar Style: This morning breakfast "Myanmar Style". March 18th, 2024 5am (Monday). I'm an early bird where Quietness Singularity Rules......Myanmarican. Picture consistency is 1] La-Phet (Tea Leaves soak in Olive oil) 2] Roasted Sesame Seeds, 3] Green Chilli (for spicy) 4] Grinded Dried Shrimp, 5] Slice fried Garlic & 6] Roasted unsalted Pumpkin seeds. Hot Tea drink on the side. I can eat this every breakfast with mouth watering appetites. Never boring. Only 3 teaspoon of La-Phet is enough for the mix with other ingredients.By the way my SUGAR level in my blood is only 89 this morning. I just tested myself BEFORE eating. Normal SUGAR level for health is between 80 & 120. I am very comfortable. God Bless Me. Amen. Usually I test my blood myself 3 times a week. Every week. Just checking..... Tracker Terence. Did you know Atheist China is responsible for poisoning Americans. ??? Huh !.


Myanmar Gems & Cultural Artware collection, Food enjoying & Nature sight seeing "Visiting VISA for 6 months" I need...

06 06 2024

June 6th, 2024.   4:44am Yangonite! Romantic Red.



Lady in RED......... R o m a n c e. 06 06 2024Yangonite. 


My Unique 4 Wheel Drive CADILLAC ATS4, Luxury 4 Door Gas Car  [ Made in The USA ]. Shot taken at Utah State, USA.--- Yangonite 06 06 2024 (Thursday) 03:33am. 


