Truther USA

Picture taken 04/09/2023 Easter Sunday





There are 2 living ICONS in Burma / MyanMar.1] Aung San Suu Kyi British Connection 2] Thant Myint U American Connection (much younger).I prefer Thant Myint U more & better. No surprise. The 1st is in Jail now serving 33 years. All her life she is a well educated and a true POLITICIAN. The 2nd is Free for he didn't involve in politics (I told you before Military not interested in persons NOT involved in politics). He's the HISTORIAN well educated grandson of U Thant United Nations 3rd Secretary General who SOLVED the Cuban Crisis between USA vs USSR 2 Nuclear Super Powers.


Don't mess with Christian God. What you did to his "faithful" followers will have consequences. I'm not talking about Russian God or Armenian God or Egyptian God or Muslim God or Buddhist God or Atheist God. I'm talking about "Christian God". This is just the tip of an iceberg. 

Mesmerizing Myanmar. Time in Myanmar Shan State Cherry Trees Blossom?. Darn soo Romantic. These are in Japan. I like this song sung by the late (see my generation singer GONE) famous Shan Singer *Sai Htee Saing*. This Shan Singer Song reminds me of one of my love affairs in Myanmar with a Shan Girl BEFORE I migrate into USA. I hope & pray she's still alive and well. She is pretty with white skin like snow. Shan State is like a Plateau with higher elevation and cool climate year round. She's taller than me about 5'9" but love me a shorter guy like crazy and I mean CRAZY tracing all my other girlfriends AND meeting them confronting them. To be honest it scares the hell out of me. Because I don't want violence of Cat Fights just want LOVE. I can write a book about love affairs n Lovers NOW spread all over the world including USA from Myanmar some living some may not. This beautiful tall shan girl is really outstanding on falling in love with me or CRUSH on me more appropriate. She wants me as a mascot wherever she goes takes along with her. She's an expert tailor and she buys cloth and make fancy shirts for me with my body fit measurement. She even snap me along with her train trip back to northern shan state, back to her home town where she lives with her younger sister, mom & dad. I think parents scares of her and don't dare say anything bringing me her boyfriend from Yangon. A Burmese guy and she is white skin 100% Shan girl. Will stop for now. 02182023. I think I had one photo taken by her in front of her home in Shan State. I sleep upper level room and they all sleep down ground level rooms. Her house is a 2 storey house. She asks/begs my mom permission to take me to her home in Shan State and mom let me go. The thing is she doesn't want to leave me in Yangon and her parents are calling back home. She doesn't feel peaceful leaving her Burmese guy boyfriend in Yangon with other girlfriends which she went to where they work and confront. She feel peace of mind me next to her wherever she goes so Train Trip I had to accompanied her. From Yangon City we travel and stop at Mandalay City. From Mandalay we change to Bus Trip to her home town which is not far from the world famous Pigeon Blood Burma Rubies extracted...... MOGOK. Bus ride is not too long like Train Ride. When arrive at her house she intro me to her parents and her cute younger sister. I settled on upstairs and she stays downstairs but she CANNOT stay away from me and at night she sneak into upstairs and sleep with me. Thank you Lord. Lovers together. Shan girls are very beautiful and have fair light soft skin. I would say 90%.

Pictures of "Terence Lyn" when he was a University student in Burma/Myanmar during 1970s. [ Hippie Generation in the West ].God created Female for Male. Vice Versa. Amen.For the purpose of Insurance in reproducing Earthling/Mankind to multiply and prosper. DON'T abuse the Goodwill of God. There is ONLY 2 species. Male & Female. The rest are RUBBISHED !!!. Enjoying sex, love and companionship in pursuit of happiness is Okay. It is God's Intention. What is NOT okay is Abusing in a Satanic Evil Ways. It is what it is. You cannot change the TRUTH with massive money (most dirty) or crooked corruption nor with deceptive motives. Not even Time can change the Truth. Amen.The BEST years of my life is University Student Years in [ RASU ] Burma now Myanmar. Voted freshman King but TIED with another contender. Re-voted, contender (his name is Sammy, but NOT his real name for his privacy, Macho Strong Arms Man ) wins with few switch votes, maybe some guys jealous of me. Girls upsets, disagree (My girls don't go for SIZE). Girls even come and tell me their disagreements. Pictures in Burma. Authentic black & white photo of me. No politics [ Burmese Military likes that ]. None!. Just busy in LOVE affairs with females so much so girls copy the lessons for me, my missing lectures in my study books AND lecturers call me at office for attendance problem me dating with girls missing classes going movies with girls. Really a Shining STAR ( females heart throb & I enjoy it ) without any publicity therefore I got privacy. Good & Joyful Simple Life. So much so I failed final test at final 4th year (for ignoring studies) and stay 5years total and attain degree B.A.. Me just Simple but Attractive to females. I did ask some of my girlfriends and they said I'm cute good looking young skinny Long hair guy especially my VOICE or Sound is very appealing & makes a girl's heart melt. They said no female can resist my saying because my voice sounds so gentle soft & sweet to them. Blessing by my Creator God. They said in Burmese " A Than Kyar Chit Khin Bar Say ". Meaning, Hearing my voice melts their hearts away or loves me. AmenTelling The Whole Truth IS My Duty/Job. Amen After Amen........Simple Life HippieHermit...... My Enclave Eves, Creation of God Almighty.

Myanmar Korea Bridge

YaY Enterprise

Going to the Open Air Cemetery to Celebrate the Defeat of Death [ Resurrection ]. Amenn.I get up 5am in the morning and attend Easter Sunrise Service [ ESS ]. Since 1995 I never miss this Special Service to date 2023 making 28 years straight. No matter what... my dedication to my Spiritual [ not statue ] God Resurrection is my # 1 Special Day of the Year. When I get back home these 2 pictures ( 1 is program leaflet & another is the pic of me) were taken n posted. The  latest picture of me taken today April 9th, 2023.... Easter / Resurrection Day. I respect the Tradition Truth & Trinity. Amenn.White Cross Platform.

Pictures Taken 4/9/2023

06 07 2024

Splendor & Grandeur. Like Our late 40th President Ronald Reagan [ Republican ] said, America is THE nation where there is "always" room for REVIVAL for the Republic. Forget the Ditch & Ditchy..Truther USA

Stringent Myanmar Military Rule. No joke. Get Serious. The Buddhist Monks live on free food ( collecting food with bowls ) & free boarding so they never want Buddhism to perish while ordinary people are the poorest in the world supporting feeding Monks and wasting precious gems & gold on abundance of Pagodas everywhere not to mention Chinese and Buddhist Junta Generals are reaping wealth for their immediate families. THINK about that. No wonder people are dirt poor and the country in a ditch.

Truther USA



Many don't know or understand. Have you seen or heard of SIGN LANGUAGE?. Second coming of Jesus Christ shows SIGNS too. But many ignore or don't understand or even reject.  Only the ELITE will understand, heed & adhere. Truther  USA

  3  Eagles ... 1] Truther. 2] Yangonite 3] Abstracca June 7thSense Truther  USA

Many ask me "are u activist? Belongs to political Party? Business man? Preacher? Etc." I AM a "Simple Serenity Individualist" bless by YAHWEH. Yea though I walk through many troubles, tranquility still surrounded me. Some are life threatening. Amen... Truther USA.  [3 Eagles]. 

Myanmar Foods Myanmar Markets in  Kingdom of Thailand. Thank you so much Thailand for taking in and allowing Myanmars for HAVEN. I'd never visited not once although I passed through Bangkok Thailand in the past. Not once even roaming around. But now that Thai has Myanmar Foods, Thai Destination will be on my bucket list where I can enjoy Myanmar Food. Good $$$ for Thailand. Smart move Thailand. --- Truther... [ USA ].

HOPE Myanmar Malls On The Rise in Thailand. $$$$$ for both Tbailand & Myanmar. Mutual benefits for BOTH people.I'm glad Thailand let Myanmars open a  MALL like Market with Myanmar Foods, clothing and materials for Myanmars working in Thailand for Myanmar will be more known to the world because of BAD & BRUTAL Government CLOSED DOOR policies in Myanmar. Myanmar people are running away from brutal Government. Thank You Kingdom of Thailand. Thanks a Ton. Note: Malls are Bigger than Markets. Truther  [ USA ] 06 07 2024

No matter how much the country advanced when the leadership Government is inferior the nation & it's people decline. Perfect example is Buddhism Burma also known as Myanmar. Myanmar people country has everything good but the government is brutally bad thus the nation n people suffers and become a FAILURE. Must aligned with in TIME. Must have the WISDOM & STRENGTH willingness to "keep" what is GOOD and "discard" what is BAD and irrelevant erroneous errors. Commonsense OVER Nonsense and NOT the other way around...  If somebody ask me which Major Cuisine between Indian & Chinese ( Both Asian ) I like more? I prefer Indian Cuisine more. Because Indian Cuisine has more varieties of SPICES. Ofcourse nothing can compare Myanmar Foods [ number one ] because since BIRTH it's in My Blood when my Mother was pregnant with me inside her womb. My DAD was the JUDGE during British Rule/Government/Era that moves around Regional Cities and that is why each 4 siblings of us was born 4 different Cities in Myanmar. Since I was born at Coastal Area/City in Southern Myanmar I love Seafood. Lobster is one on the top. 

Truther  [ USA ] 06 07 2024

Contrasts & Extremes. A country of 17,000 islands, the largest Archipelago State on the Planet located in between Pacific & Indian OCEANS. It is said many Indonesians Muslims turning into Christianity by Millions. Indonesian Brand of Muslims are NOT like RADICAL middle eastern Muslims. Even Middle East Radical Muslim nation IRANIANS are turning to Christianity. In FACT Indonesia is the LARGEST Muslim nation in population on Earth.

June 6th, 2024 [ Thursday ] well known as D-Day. "Offensive Strategy" that wins the World War 2.
Now MANY Western LAWS including USA (and cultures) are OBSOLETE OUTDATED and IRRELEVANT not to mention erroneous. Now 46th use a sideline supplementary strategy in current 3 wars which is erroneous. It PROLONGED the wars with heavy damage Financially, materially and most importantly destruction and most of all many lives LOST unnecessarily. 

Multiple Wives

Lady in Red

My fav US President

06 08 2024

Serenity is Safer  3 Symbolic Eagles Entity  [SEE] 

Update Unilaterally: Serenity is Safer.Just woke up at 4:44am this morning June 8th, 2024 ( Saturday ). Still dark. Latest photo shot. "Natural look" of just get up from bed, wash face brush teeth look. It is what it is ...  truthfully. Truther  USA     3 Eagles Symbol.

YAHWEH Wrath is $wift & $evere. Don"t discriminate God YAHWEH 's Children of Light.Revolutionary RIVIVAL in Myanmar. Our Revolution is Resolute. WE don't Compromise .Message......Warning toBuddhists Generals BEWARE. $tranglehold $crew$ $trategy is advancing day by day. You are $surrounded & $eige $queeze tighter and tighter. What's worse is ... There's no way out. Black Exchange Rate $1 = Kyat over 5,000 and counting. 3 Eagle$   /// Remember... Truth NEVER Compromise. Ever.
3 Eagles
Truther USA
Truth never Compromise

Y A N G O N I T EREVIVAL without ANY compromise. NONE !06 07 2024    3 Eagles/Truther USA 

 Stringent Myanmar Military Rule. No joke. Get Serious. The Buddhist Monks live on free food ( collecting food with bowls ) & free boarding so they never want Buddhism to perish while ordinary people are the poorest in the world supporting feeding Monks and wasting precious gems & gold on abundance of Pagodas everywhere not to mention Chinese and Buddhist Junta Generals are reaping wealth for their immediate families.THINK about that. No wonder people are dirt poor and the country in a ditch.

Truther USA

06 09 2024

In the eyes of some he is a convicted felon BUT to many he is the HERO. This is United States of America unlike any other. STILL the only Super Power Young Nation on Earth.... Tri Eagles  

Truth has Witnesses. Many witnesses. Pictures never lie. Under the scorching Las Vegas desert OPEN heat ordinary Americans wait for their HERO.

Tri Eagles

Eye Witness Account.This is REALITY. Not Fake. People young & old, rich or poor, diverse races flocks together not to mention under the 110 degree OPEN Desert Heat. Divine give a cooling breeze with many shady trees, to comfort the ordinary people including disable people that walks a long walk to see their HERO. AMAZINGLY indeed. Some may not know but I know by SEEING with my own eyes. No need others.The HERO Welcome at the BIGGEST PARK in Las Vegas. TRUTH has Witnesses. MANY witnesses. Righteous Revival Rising. Amen. June 9th, 2024 Sunday @ Sunset Park. Thank you 45/47 President Trump. THXS IN TONS for opening MANY eyes. American Eyes. YAHWEH bless his children of light. Amen.--- Tri  Eagles Note: USA & Israel are together FOREVER.

Updated on *Trinity Theology*.Originated from "Yangonite"Ordained as "Truther USA"Oversight by "Tri Eagles" Sharp Eyes Trio.June 9th, 2024 Sunday 

06 10 2024

Clearly Federal Case. State Overstep Overreached & Overruled. Truther USA

Nexus Notice:

Reader's discretion advise for this is TRUE but involved Spirituality & Supernatural facts what REALLY happened on Sunday June 9th, 2024 Sunset Park, Las Vegas 45/47 Event around Noon time.


SEEING is BELIEVING. All I can do is PRAY to Jesus Christ. That's all I can do. An ordinary next door guy like me. But the "promising thing" is, JESUS CHRIST "response" to my personal private prayers. It may take TIME (short, medium,  long depends on HIS discretion) but HE response and never let me down. Not once, for I know Yeshua use precise TIMING.So sad to see a middle age lady with Artificial leg hold Trump 24 flag walking on pavement of busy traffic (Sunset Blvd) towards the crossing zebra. From that point on she had to walk at least a mile into the big wide Sunset Park, the largest park in Las Vegas. This was around noon when the notorious desert HEAT is unforgiving BUT Divine Intervention give "cool breeze" to take away the heat. Where did this COOL breeze come from I don't know?. Another old age lady appears and ask where stage is and she follows the disable woman holding the Trump Flag. THIS is NOT the America I use to live. ABSOLUTELY not. It is like day & night contrast. There's only "one way" to change this situation. Divine Intervention. Satan had hold a FIRM grip on Jesus Christ Country. No doubt about it. It's up to CHRIST to do something this HELL on Earth. Amen. ..... Truther USA